Hi. I hope you still read this.
I just wanted to say hey and that all is well. I hope the same can be said of you. The format of this will probably be sloppy as it's the first one I've done on my phone. Consider any typos or formatting mistakes like the hilarious deleted scenes from your favorite shows during the closing credits.
I just wanted to say hey and that all is well. I hope the same can be said of you. The format of this will probably be sloppy as it's the first one I've done on my phone. Consider any typos or formatting mistakes like the hilarious deleted scenes from your favorite shows during the closing credits.
So I just wanna name some things I like. I like my brother sticking to his program and making a genuine attempt to restart his life. I like my other brother still having his shit together. Keep it up. I like my friends having kids even though I've been severely attention starved.
I like knowing comics who make me laugh more via texts or on a trip home from Atlantic City than they do on stage. I also like when those comics use their WaWa gift cards to pay for dinner on the way home from AC. Thanks, Lou.
I like knowing that it's about the process, not the results. I like sharing my passion for making people laugh with likeminded people. I dislike using the word passion. I like people like Open Mike Eagle and the Hellfyre dudes getting some recognition. And I like that someone like Slug, who has more than enough to worry about, takes the time for me and my silly ass questions. Make funny. Got it.
There's no real narrative to this one, but I was reading my last couple posts and realized they were (understandably, I think) pretty heavy. So I wanted to try to balance that out a bit. Admittedly this isn't my most complete post, I just wanted to touch base and say hi.
Interesting post............